Monday, June 6, 2011

Can I be a Feminist?

I hear so many feminists telling other feminists that they can not be a feminist for xyz reasons.

This is not going to help us receive equality. We need to stick together. Even if you disagree with some of their lifestyle choices, personality, whatever.

Anti-feminists are counting on us to screw up and divide our input.

If you meet someone who is trying to help the equality movement, but is a pro-life supporter...It's hard to turn away, it's hard not to point out that you think they are being a hypocrite.

I emphasize choice.

I want to be able to give women the choice to vote, or not. I want to give women the choice to have children, or not. To have the choice to get an education, or not. To be straight, or not.

I want to give everyone this choice, man or woman, black, white, asian, native american, latina/o, even ability.

You can call yourself a feminist if you believe you are one. You will be welcomed by me, as long as you are not trying to stop other individuals of receiving the rights you have as well.

So you meet a pro-life feminist. It seems like an oxymoron, you hear nails on a chalkboard in the background, it hurts so much to not say anything.

Ask them in a polite way why they are pro-life; respect their answer. Ask them to respect your own opinion as well.

And move on, to fight for the rights all born individuals.

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