Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Changing the World one status at a time.

Lately, I've been wasting my time on Facebook.

Now, before you start going, oh my gosh Hannah, seriously, I hope your grades are okay. I've actually been using Facebook to point out sexist, racists, heterosexists, ageists, -ist remarks.

I'm sure my sister and her friends are rolling their eyes at me right now because it definitely occurs more on their pages than anywhere else. I've been correcting peoples language, their analogies and attempting to point out oppressive sayings and practices. I think the most common correction I make is using the words "retarded and gay", and analogies that show woman as an object.

So, here's the deal: If I ever post something on here(or my Facebook) that is any -ist, you can call me out on it. Not only will I remove the status, I will apologize in public for it.

I don't care who you are, I don't care about your experiences, if you are going to put ignorant thoughts on Facebook, I am going to tell you just how wrong you truly are for doing that. I'm not sorry I'm annoying, it's not wrong of me, just delete my comment or remove me as a friend if you think it is NOT WORTH YOUR TIME. (Eventually, if one repeatedly posts a ton of ignorant statuses or links, I 'block' them from showing up on my News Feed, you can only comment with the same person for so long.)

I don't know when this started, but lately, I've been using Facebook as a starting point to critically think about things. If Facebook is used right, we will be able to slowly change the world and end these -isms.

So the next time you see something sexists or racists remarks, call those people out. Tell them that you are offended. There's usually one of two reactions: 1. roll their eyes, and 2. delete their posts out of embarrassment.

Let's use Facebook to end oppression of all.

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