Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Search for the Dream Sugar Daddy...(or not)

Earlier this month I expressed my disgust with the members of the male sex who I have dated in the past. I know I share these concerns with plenty of other young women (and some men) who have had their hearts brokens and sometimes, dream shattered, at an end of a relationship or even during a relationship.

Me being my curious self started to examine what other kinds of relationships I could have with the male persuasion. Dating and romantic relationships are out for a short period of time until I decide there is a man that is worth the headache of a relationship.

Well obviously I, a woman, can be friends with members of the male sex. It has happened before and I have plenty of close guy friends. This raises a few issues however, because it seems like either one or sometimes both of us go in and out of attraction for one another. I do not have a guy friend that I have not had a 'crush' one at one point or another and I know I have some guy friends that have at least considered me attractive. And even if we both really like each other, I am no longer even considering dating a friend. Their friendship is more important than a romantic relationship.

So being friends with a guy definitely counts and is okay. You just have to learn how to deal with each other possibly falling in love with one another and not acting on it. =/

Then last night I came up with an idea of becoming a SUGAR BABY. You heard me. For a brief moment (or a few hours) HANNAH -a women's studies major and blooming feminist-considered getting a sugar daddy.

Don't ask me why I considered this a good idea. I mean, good lord, how do you even find one of those??!?!

I found the answer. ONLINE. No, seriously, there are sites that you can search for a male that will help you find your dream sugar daddy.

Okay, Okay. I am hoping to find a guy that may or may not be a celebrity or at least a celebrity look-a-like. A guy that would yes, respect that I am a gorgeous young lady but that I also have a brain.

Then I realized that I probably wouldn't find a guy like that there. And the dread is that maybe I won't have a partner anytime soon that respects me for both those things. In the first time in twenty years I finally see myself as beautiful and deserving of a loving healthy possibly romantic relationship. And although I am in no hurry to start finding that person, it would be nice to realize that people out there exist!

But for now, I am happy being single. Though I do look forward to the day that I can have a healthy and happy relationship that reflects the values I hold. And that person respects me for my values and respects my opinions.

(Note: Ladies and Gentlemen, if you are in a relationship that isn't healthy. Please, please, please, please, go to counseling together or seperate and try to make it healthy. Even end it. Everyone deserves a healthy relationship!!!)

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