Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Sad Life...A better future

Lately, people have been talking a lot about someone's death.

They have been having conversations everywhere. It makes me frustrated.

I'll admit, I'm not politically aware of this issue. I do not know one thing about the conflicts in the middle east, I do not know all the issues that surround why the U.S. entered.

I feel sad that I do not know a lot about politics especially about a war we are currently in.

What is even more sad is that I already thought this man was dead. Yup, I'll admit it. I am more concentrated on the injustices in my own world to check to see if evil man is dead.

I do not believe in predetermination. I do not believe this evil man would have been evil if he would have grown up in a loving, caring environment. I'm not taking a side of nature versus nurture. I'm just saying that he could of turned out to be a different person if he was given guidance. There is not a predetermined future for you, with help, we can reach our goals and we can become well-rounded human beings.

So why am I frustrated? Because we are celebrating a man's death when we could be putting our effort in to stopping this from happening again. Babies are not born evil, children are not evil, even preteens and teenagers can change those evil ways to become well-rounded adults. (Fun fact: I probably was considered the teenage devil. I'm sorry Mom and Dad. )

How to create an non-evil person:

Step 1: Have a wanted child! Make sure that this infant is going to be raised in a loving home that is going to provide at least food, a roof and positive child care!

Step 2: Support your state-funded public schools. These are our children, let's give teachers a livable salary so they can give our children a quality education.
Step 2b: Quality education means admitting our past so that we, and our descendants, are prepared to not repeat it. (I want to write a herstory textbook including a few important events that I didn't learn until college.)

Step 3: Support the child. Did you know Hitler wanted to be a painter? I always wonder what would have happened if someone paid attention to his artwork...just think about it. I don't mean support the child financially. If you think he is a bad artist, be nice about it. Explain it. Give him another outlet to be creative, show the other options that he can be successful at that does not involve killing mass groups of people.

So three steps, I do not think that was too hard...

Let's change the world and stop these people from becoming evil!!!!

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