Friday, June 7, 2013

What every mom needs to know about lactation before the baby arrives!

There were a few things that I thought momma’s should know about lactation and I’m not talking about just breastfeeding problems, I’m talking about making milk!!! As an exclusive pumper for seven months, I am no genius but I do have a good amount of experience now! Plus, with a few hints from other moms, I have created a list of a must know for lactation.

1. Milk doesn’t just magically appear after you have the baby. You aren’t a milk-making machine right after birth. Don’t be alarmed if you milk doesn’t come out in “spurts” after the baby is born, it won’t! It also doesn’t come natural to every mom and every baby. So, do not be afraid to ask for help.

2. On my fourth day of pumping, my boobs got extremely hard. It hurt. They were rock hard and tender to the touch.  It honestly was one of the most painful things I experienced. (This is called engorgement people! And it is no easy task!)

3. Your milk just doesn’t come out of one hole in the nipple. It comes out of several. Nipples often look beat up at first, too. Mine were bruised a lot!

4. Breastmilk tastes like sugar water. Honestly, I know why I preferred juice over cow’s milk as a toddler. Going from breastmilk to cow’s milk would be rough for anyone used to the sweet goodness from our mama’s!

5. Not all lactation consultations are the same. The lactation consultant at the hospital was no help to us, neither was the one through the WIC office. If you are having trouble producing milk or breastfeeding, do not let them dismiss your troubles. Find a new lactation consultant, stat! Even if you have to pay, a lactation consultant that does not ignore your problems and helps you find a solution is priceless!  
(Note: some mom's swear by LLL, so if you have a group near you, go to meetings before having the baby to find a leader!)

6. It’s not completely free. There are accessories to breastfeeding.  Nipple shields, Lact Aid’s, and pumps to name a few.  Not to mention you still eat like a cow!!!! Well, I did.

7. Read up on breastfeeding issues online before the baby comes. If breastfeeding is a goal for you, you NEED to know about all the issues. I assumed that if I was motivated enough that I would be able to breastfeed! I took the classes, I knew that I needed to have a drugless birth and I thought I would be set with skin to skin time. I was wrong. A few things to read up on to be prepared:
                        -tongue ties and lip ties
                        -inverted nipples (if you have them, be prepared!) 
                        -pumping  and hand expression how to’s
                        -herbs and foods that may help boost supply
-healthy newborn eating habits (wet and poopy diapers, and how much they really need to nurse in each stage of life!)          
                        -introducing the bottle and what kind of formula
                        -basic “booby” traps!
                        -the hospital/birth center policies on feeding babies

9. Prepare to be an advocate for yourself and your child. As soon as your baby is born, YOU are in charge. If you want to breastfeed, say so! If you want to formula feed, say so!

10. Breastmilk is different every feeding! As a pumper I can see my breastmilk; if you are breastfeeding you may not know that your milk comes in several colors and sometimes comes with blood! From blue to creamy white to yellow to red! (This causes your babies poop to differ in colors and consistency as well! Although please do not ignore bloody stools in your baby!)

Finally, lactation is a learning process! Even at seven months I am learning new things every day! The links I included are just starting points for you. 

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