Sunday, April 8, 2012

American Breeders.

I hate to break it to you. But women are only here to breed and sustain the population. Anything that would harm a fetus whether the women is pregnant or not, should be illegal.

Of course, that is not what I believe. But the government in Arizona wants it to be law. Stating that "life" begins at the first day of a women's last menstrual period. Right now, it is just a law to state that abortions should happen "earlier" in pregnancy. But the backlash could be horrendous. I could see alcohol bans on any women that is sexual active and in fertile years, because it could harm the fetus...even though the fetus does not exist yet. I could see women getting "turned down" for insurance, apartments, job opportunities, because they could possibly get pregnant.

I'm scared for the future of the United States. When they even consider bills like Arizona House Bill 2036, it shows the lack of education on long term impact of bills. It's not even the bill that is the problem, it is the backlash that would happen around the country if the bill is passed to women of fertile age.

As a young woman, I have the ability to choose whether or not I want to become a mother. I should have the ability to plan when I get pregnant. Just because I am at an age where I can become pregnant, does not mean that every decision should be faced around the care of my uterus and possible womb for my future children.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Cosmo could be connected to Child Sexual Predators?

There is not a word in my brain that describes the magazine known as Cosmopolitan. If you read this blog AND read Cosmo, you should stop at least one. I'm not trying to lose readers, I am just being blunt. If there is one anti-feminist and anti-women magazine out there, it would be Cosmopolitan.

Trust me, I used to be a reader of Cosmo. I used to eye sweep the articles about makeup, fashion and sex on a regular basis. Then something happened to me, I started realizing how badly I felt about myself after I read them. I remember cutting out pictures of the models and saying "I will look like this!" Even though the model was slightly anorexic and looked nothing like me.

Some women state that Cosmo is the "Women's Bible", but the only thing it really does is tell you how to sex up your boyfriend, husband and male lover. Or tell you how to do the perfect orgasm, which incidentally, includes your man friend. (So essentially the tips are just for straight women!) It also includes interviews of stars who brag about their lifestyle, tell them how great their relationships are and then tell their haters to stop hating because they are ugly. Great.

Sometimes it includes great tips about fitness, but usually does not educate women on the risks of overexercising, anorexia, bulimia or body image issues. Sometimes it has a page or two on social justice issues, but it's usually the latest fab or celebrity issue asking for money. It does not actually give average people the chance to make change unless they donate money.

Finally, what drew me to the pages today was a young women I worked with looking at the "hot meter" of celebrity men. Daniel Radcliffe was at the bottom for what? He decided to share that he prefers his women more natural down there. And you know what Cosmo said about that.....GROSS! That made me step back and say, wait what? That should be considered a good thing?!?! Shaving your pubic area makes you more susceptible to also reminds child predators about children. Think about it when was the last time you saw your area hairless if you don't shave it regularly....pre-puberty right? I'm not saying men who prefer it hairless is a predator but I am saying it has an interesting similarity!

Alright, don't put down your Cosmo yet. Take a look at what messages it gives you before you do. Make a choice, what is Cosmo feeding you? A heterosexual men dominated lifestyle that ignores the real issues faced by women across the world...that's not something that I want to read. If it's what you want to read or you get something different from it, let me know. That's what comments are for.