It's a crazy question. And I dislike it very much. What are you talking about when you ask that question? My career, my personal life, what I dream about night to night?
Half the time I assume they are talking about my career and I tell them the career I'm going for that day or hour or moment. They are amazed that I'm majoring in Women's Studies and have no idea what I could do with it. (Again, a lot.)
I want to be successful. But more importantly I want to do more than that. People call me a feminist, and I guess I am one. They get completely flustered when I tell them the truth.
What's the truth?
I want to have a family.
The thing is the only reason I want to be successful in my career is to have a family.
Now please don't confuse this idea of having a family with being a wife or a mother full-time.
Don't confuse this post with some ramblings about how I want to be pregnant by 28 so I better find my husband now.
Don't even connect this idea with a husband at all.
Around age 30 and sometimes earlier, women start getting anxious...WHAT IF I DON'T HAVE KIDS.
This is not because they have clock in their biology, like some scientists state. This has everything to do with societal norms.
I used to up until very recently connecte the idea of family and motherhood to the process of pregnancy. Can I let you in on a secret? Pregnancy has nothing to do with family or motherhood.
You are no less of a woman if you can not have children. (This goes the same for men) You don't even have to want children to be a woman or to have a family.
Have I confused you yet?
It's okay because I'm always confused.
But if there is one thing I am not confused about is that I want to have a family. That's my fricking dream. And I'm a fricking feminist! Deal with it.
Forget about the expensive egg freezing options, or invitro or the 'natural' process of becoming a mother. Forget survival of the fittest. Forget about the whole idea of passing 'your genes down.'
I don't want to pass my genes down. I want to pass my knowledge down. That's the most important part of being a mother. Not getting pregnant, not taking your kids to soccer games, not being with the father of your child.
It's not about how you had the child, when you had the child, or even being around for 18 years. Believe me, when I decided I actually wanted to be a mom. I flipped out. And I wasn't even 20 years old yet. It's a scary thought. You only have so many eggs and you don't want to be a young mother or an old mother and then the rest of the world is telling you what you should and shouldn't do.
I know I follow the traditional gender roles of being nurturing and loving and sensitive and whatever the frick you want to label me as. I'm fine with that. I'm not going to try hard to become a stereotypical feminist, or to fit the role as a feminist. As so many people call me, I would like to remind you that labels are not my thing. So call me what you want but that doesn't mean I'm gonna behave how you want me to with that label!
I want women and men to be able to choose their path. I believe that we live in a patrarchial society and that causes women to suffer oppression. I don't like that women suffer and that they think that their is only one way to do things in life. And it goes like this: meet boy, force him in to marriage, get married, have kids, push kids for grandkids, die. Any different and the world is in to an uproar. I'm only twenty and I have seen girls doing this, frick, I have said things like this...
Forget what people say, or how loudly your biological clock is ticking. Do what you want to do. You want to be a successful attorney. Go for it. Do you hate children? Then please don't feel the need to have them. Just because someone says "when are you going to get married/have children?" doesn't mean that you actually have to do that...News flash, you don't have to do anything you do not want to do.

Your biological clock is made up. Yes, you can't have children after a certain age, but that doesn't mean you can't adopt or foster children. People get so caught up in this fertility debate, they see Kate Goslin popping out twins and then more, then another person popping out octuplets. Another women on TLC has like 19 kids...
You can be a mother in so many different ways and have no children of your own. Heck, you do not even have to adopt or foster to be a mother. My point is if you want children, then that's fine. But I feel like worrying about when you have them, how you have them, etc. etc. etc. takes away so much joy from actually being a mom.
I'm gonna reach that dream. And I'm gonna have a family. It may not be a family like everyone expects: a husband 2.3 kids and a white picket fence. Or it may be just that...who even knows anymore?
A lot of importance is given to the Egg Freezing technique that helps women to preserve their eggs for future use. This technique is also called as oocyte freezing and has been used by many people.
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