Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Let's start with the girls!

We are know girls are socialized to be more vulnerable than boys.

I as a girl was bullied for my gender, my sexuality and anything else those bullies could find. And I was called a girl for crying about it.

I was ashamed of being a girl and grew up to become ashamed of being a woman. It took many abusive relationships to realize that I didn't need to be a man and didn't need a man to be a productive member of society, to help others. It will just take some time for me to make as much difference as a male in this world. But I hope that someday this isn't so.

Today and the rest of this week Tara Sophia Mohr wants us to blog about The Girl Effect. However, I blogged about this issue in March, so please read:


Finally, let's help someone who has low self esteem every day, so we can have healthy productive members of society of both male and female!

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