Thursday, May 26, 2011

Women's Studies Degree!??!?!

Question: "So what are you going to do with a women's studies degree?"

Answer #1: Well, I want to kill all the men, except for the ones with the good genes. We'll stock them up for reproductive purposes.

Answer #2: Get a job.

Answer #3: Sit unemployed like the rest of America.
Okay, so maybe those answers are a little sarcastic. But why don't you ask me for my career goals or something...instead of asking me why I'm wasting my money on a degree.

Since so many people are so interested in my plans after graduation I decided to list my options for the world to see:

1. I'll get a job and start paying off my 'wasted' money on student loans. For some job ideas that I could receive here and here.
2. I do have the option of staying in school for a master's or Ph.D program. If I go straight through, I will have my doctorate by 26.
3. Join the peace corps. Something I am thinking of doing because I would like to live internationally and love giving back to communities.
4. I could always go live off my parents. I'm sure we would really enjoy that.
5. Law School.
6. Work at some non-profit trying to give back...
...and so forth

I'm twenty years old. I change my mind between these (with the exception of number 4) about 15 times a day. I have 50 years of working ahead of me. It's terrifying. Can I just concentrate on school right now?

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