I recently gave in and bought more covers. Offspring #1 is
not wetting or pooping his diapers as much so I am not doing the laundry as
much. It did suck that I had to do the diapers in a communal laundry machine at
our apartment, but we made through it. I actually had to soak and scrub the diapers to get them clean with our
machines. It was a very bad machine!
I use Econombum prefolds and mostly Bububibi covers (with some
Bumkin and other randoms). I wanted to share just how easy it is to wash them
and make it apart of the routine. When I was searching for how to cloth diapers, it looked really complicated to me. So I wrote this to counteract all this confusing stuff!
Side note about my system: I don’t believe in laundry day. That gets too overwhelming
for us. So I do a little laundry every day, with two days off in between. It
only boils down to about five loads a week. Laundry is the first thing I do, I
walk downstairs with the dirties, throw them in the wash, and pull up what I
have clean from the day before and put it away.
How to Cloth Diaper!
STEP ONE: Put a cloth
diaper on
Fold the prefold, put in the diaper and snap the diaper on
the offspring!
STEP TWO: Take a cloth
diaper off
Take off the diaper, clean the butt, and put the dirty
diaper away. Optional: If offspring has more solid waste, push it in the
toilet. Also, putting the clean diaper on.
STEP THREE: Wash cloth
(This is the system that works for me. If it doesn’t work for
you, that’s all right. I had to do it completely different in the apartment.)
I put the dirties in, and choose all the extra cold rinse
options on my high efficiency washer. Then I push start. I do not add detergent
though sometimes I will add apple cider vinegar for an extra clean! Then when they are done washing, I put them in
the dryer!
It’s about as simple as that! J
Hi Hannah! My name is Heather and I wanted to know if you would be willing to answer my quick question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)