Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you are voting "yes" to the marriage amendment or the voter id amendment, I think you should not be allowed to vote and get married.
Harsh? Yeah. I thought so too. That's why I am voting no to both, even if it means buttmunches like you get a say, too.
Realize that anyway you put it, not letting someone else get married for any reason that YOU can think of is not a good enough reason to stop them from doing so.
Last week or so I wrote a blog for a friend's blog in which I analyzed the other side to marriage amendment kindly. Well, I am sooooo done with being kind about this issue. Partly because stopping someone from getting married isn't nice, so why should I be nice?
And plus, the whole idea of banning marriage for gays to protect the children is pissing me off right now. It's basically telling me that my partner and I (oh by the way, my partner is a man) can not make good parents because we aren't married. Well, screw that. That's offensive as fuck. Frankly, I know I am not going to make a very good parent because I swear too much or I am a feminist liberal hippy. But not because I am not married. At least choose a better reason then that to protect the children. (For the record, I think gays make better parents than straight people. Because to make babies they can't just find the first guy or girl they see and screw like bunnies. They, usually, have to prepare and be ready.)
And who the heck makes an amendment on defining a relationship anyway? So dumb. Let's worry about the bigger issues in life. You know like homelessness? Education for our children? Why don't we make amendments about those issues or laws or programs or whatever. Stop wasting our time.
And the voter id amendment. Voter fraud??? Who the fuck made that word up. Seriously, if you steal my vote, I will hunt you down and probably make sure you voted the way I would have. But I am not gonna get too upset. Probably because the likelihood of it going to happen is close to non-existent. If you really want to protect yours and other's votes. Don't put restrictions and useless fees on voting.
So basically my thoughts are, if you are voting yes to either of these issues, you are a dumbfuck. That's putting it nicely. At least I realize that even though not defining marriage between a man and a woman is not gonna do anything but define a stupid "tradition" that 50% of people will throw the privilege away anyway, I'm doing the right thing. Which is not defining a relationship that should be defined between those two people in the marriage anything. What is next? Are you going to tell me that I'm married because I am in a relationship with my male partner? Oh shut the fuck up, not any of your business what I do and if I call my boyfriend my husband or not.
But you don't really care because I am not "harming" a child by being gay. I'm harming a child by not being married. And here's the real thing, I'm not trying to take away your rights to vote and get married or practice religion, I'm trying to tell you how dumb you really are. Take my warning and remember this, be lucky they went for the gays first, because when they come for you; I won't be around to protect your rights. I won't have rights. Because I'm one of those weird ones that although I'm in a relationship with a man, if he was a woman, I would still love her too. And I am willing to die or just fight for the rights for others, whether it affects me or not, even if that means I'm protecting you. (Who in turn is calling me a bad mother and telling me if my partner was a female our relationship shouldn't be validated if we wanted it to be.)
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