I choose to compare, in class, two different feminist websites from around the world.

The first one I choose was from the UK. I choose it because it looked simple and not too busy. However, I scrolled down and discovered that, it was in fact, way too busy for me. I included a shot of it above, I mean, doesn't it look promising.
Well, the menu on the right side was quite helpful. And I could see that this website gave a lot of information. It just had too much text for me to concrentrate. I loved the idea of the F-Word Blog tab. You can get reliable factual information on the home page, but if you want articles with a more biased feminist perspective, you can have that choice.
The next one I looked at was something a little bit different. Just because I wanted to compare cultures as well. I clicked on it because I thought it would portray to my project I will do later in the semester. (On Visual Aids and Feminist Activism) And at first, I didn't like the layout, but I grew to like it as I explored it.
This website was not like I expected it would be, it was so much better. I am impressed with how 'high tech' the arab world is. It was so much better than the UK website!! And I got a lot more information, then I did at the UK site.
So overall, even if there is a lot of information, it is best if you keep it as simple as possible. I am definitely coming back here for my project!
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