Telling people of my plans to live close to plastic and waste free as I can. I get judged and I get told that it can't be done. I then lead them to websites where I prove to them it can be done and on a budget none the less. Still disbelief, still judgement, but I move on.
Now more than ever, I am being told what to do, what to eat and what to use on my body. And you know what? Keep it to yourself. I could handle people calling me weird when I told them I used my eco friendly pads and diva cup. But now? I have much less patience for people who think they "know the right way". I usually lose my patience around the time when people say "good luck with that!" with extreme judgement and obvious sarcasm. Most of these people have not even been in my situation before and therefore, should not be talking.
Frankly, I am pissed. People have even been telling me who to vote for. I am fine with people sharing why they are voting for Republican/Democrat. But I don't like the system we have right now, so I am not voting for either of those candidates. Obviously our government is failing us, and we need to get a different party in office to try and change things. Yes, a different party. Yes that means I am voting independent candidate. Yes, I know they are likely not to win. But that is not the reason I am voting. I am voting for my values and not the likelihood that they will win. Don't put your two cents in on that thank you very much. I know what I am doing with my vote and I am using it.
I am also pissed for people that think that ALL of Obama's life should be scrutinized. He goes on vacation? Suddenly the world is going crazy, he is wasting tax payers dollars!!! (or know...salary he gets for being a president?) His wife is a bitch? He's is a push over. (I do not know if Michelle Obama is a bitch, she does not look like a dog to me, but people have their names for her.)
I'm pissed when people generalize groups of people. Republicans are bigots. Democrats are big money spenders that give out money to people who don't deserve it. Socialists are BAD. Teen moms are whores. Young moms are lazy who just want to be housewives and not go to college/get a job. People on welfare are no good and lazy people using the system. College students don't care. Girls start drama. Gays and Lesbians are sluts. Black people are gangsters. Mexicans are dirty. Cowboys ride horses.
For every generalization you make, I can come up with individuals who fit that description but not the generalization. How about you get to know the person THEN see what that kind of person they are? How about you just get to know the person and not make judgements at all? Or how about you don't share your advice with judgement and criticism and just try to help a person?
Who has the right to tell me what to do? I am my own person. I should have the choice and the option to live my life the way I would like to live it. The way I want to live it. If you have doubts that I will be able to do it, I don't want to hear it. If you have support and helpful tips, let me have it. Don't base your two-cents in criticism of my dreams and beliefs. Don't judge me because that is not the way you would do it yourself.
To make it easier for people who are dumb, I created this visual representation.