There are just some things we don't talk about.
I am crude. I like to make people uncomfortable. I search for those awkward, disgusting things and talk about them over the dinner table.
The sad thing is: this things sometimes are not so disgusting. They are just made that way.
For example, I talk about sex. A lot. Sex should be a natural part of people's lives. Don't hush me for talking about how I enjoy it. If you do, I will promise I will get louder.
Now auditions for the Vagina Monologues are coming up on my campus. It's my last year here. I am going to it. I am going to try out to perform, on stage, and talk about one of my favorite things....
Let's sit down and talk. Let's make a deal to not silence each other's stories, no matter how gross they may seem. Let's talk about sex, and what's healthy. Let's talk about our experiences, our life, our struggles. Let's gush over who we are dating, and complain about not having a love life. Let's stop making topics untouchable, unspeakable, unfamiliar.
And let's stop over joking over things that need to be taking seriously and start talking about those experiences: